1. The software does not make clear to either buyer or seller that they are in a Dutch Auction. I understand that Auctions with mutiple items are automatically Dutch but how do we display that information in the Auction as a notice to both parties.
2. I have an auction that is CLOSED and PROCESSED. It was a mutipule item auction of 5 pcs. There were two bidders. The minium bid was 50. One bid 50, and the second bid 52. Only the second was notified of the winning bid. At this point I do not know if the seller was notified of 1 winner or 2 winners. But first buyer has not been contacted by seller
3. If I look up the Auction, in the seller's account it shows only the second bidder as the winner at 50 even though the second buyer bid 52.
There is clearly an error here in the handling of the process. I went live with this software after testing but now I am getting confused and my customers are being confused by this.
You can display your own notes of course but everyone is assumed to be familiar with dutch auctions, reserve, buy now, proxy bidding, etc, and this is already in the auction help and you can explain it the way you wantto your users.
As for your other issues, you seems to be confused also between dutch auctions and dutch buy it now items.