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Editing a Listing Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 11-01-13 10:56 AM next post first post
When I test out a listing, I put all required info in, and click preview. Then when I go back to edit this listing, some of the required lines go back to the original form and not to what it was changed too. (I do not click back, I click make changes as instructed). Such required spots include, Location and all Featured selections. How can I make it so when someone enters their address and a featured option, it stays to what they changed it too, and does not go back to a blank option. (Description, title, category, etc. all seem to repopulate when you edit.)
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Re: Editing a Listing Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 11-01-13 10:57 PM next post previous post

I tested submiting a new item and all working normal, this is been working for years,

so I do not know it may be your browser security settings clears or resets the fields or some browsers plugins,

what broswer you are using and what operating system, the submit page also uses JS, so make sure

it is enabled on your browser.


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Re: Editing a Listing Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 11-04-13 08:52 AM last post previous post
Thanks for the reply. I am testing this on Mozilla. As I said though...it is confusing. Some of the edits are put back in as they should be. But only Location and the Features seem to not be working properly. Thanks for looking into this.
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