Hello Mew i have a great problem in my auctions site. A seller have listed a ducth auctions for 3 items similar, at the end of auction this have sold 1 item. In the final value fee for seller dont have the final value for ducth auction. And not have payed a fee for this.\
help me please.\
I just posted a dutch auction #1122512501 on the Mewsoft test site which has now closed with a successful bidder who bid on 5 of the 10 items offered. There were no final value fees posted in my transactions.\
A person using the Dutch Auction to sell his items is not paying anything to the site operator when his item sells. This definitely needs to be fixed.
Hi Ahmed, just checked the demo site transactions for this auction and the final value fees have still not been applied. Have you had a chance to take a look at this yet?\
Has anyone ben able to fix this on their site?
the value dont have a specification , i have added the class <!--Quantity--> and now i receive email with number of buyed item in ducht auction, but the fee not are charged in my account.