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jejainc jejainc's personal page
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HELP!! Having issues with pictures and little things...desperate! Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 10-07-14 04:11 AM next post first post
I just tried to move everything I had for my classifieds site over to my new domain at www.operationclassifieds.com I have one hosting account at Hostgator...it is my www.justformilitary.com account. That said, I have a friend who has been helping me move stuff as that is not something I am good at. Now, I think we are good up to a point here. My pictures are not working on either the home page (featured, newest ads etc) nor in the ads themselves. i think there is a file path issue there. Secondly, when trying to place an ad the select category area it is not coming up with any options. So, two big problems for me AND, my advertising for the site just started this week. This is going to Kill me with a start up. I am desperate for help!! I am not good at all the file stuff. I wish I was and learning as I go but, can someone take a look or please, please help me??? I am currently deployed to Afganistan but do have computer access here so I do have time to work this. Thank you, John
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Re: HELP!! Having issues with pictures and little things...desperate! Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 10-07-14 03:36 PM last post previous post

There is an FAQ Topic in our FAQ forum here about moving servers:


The most important thing is setting the urls and paths in admin->configuration, and moving all folders from the old

server to the new server with their contents, like images. if both websites old and new have the

cPanel control panel, then all you need is to backup the website on the old server and restore it

on the new server from inside cPanel "Backup" link under files in just one very easy and simple step.

If needed we can do it for $50 only if yuo order our installation serverice.

Thank you

Mewsoft Support

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