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Homepage Featured Image is broken Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 02-21-08 06:03 PM next post first post
For some reason, when the auction was first listed (as featured), the image showed up fine on the home page. But the auction ended and was relisted. Ever since then, the image is showing up as a broken link on the home page in the 'featured' area. Why is this and how do I fix it?

The other images show up fine. (Item page, other 'featured' images, etc)

If I go into the auction details and delete the original picture & upload it again, it works. Why not when it relists the same auction?

Thanks for any insight! big grin

Michelle Bailey
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Reply #: 1 Posted on: 02-21-08 07:24 PM next post previous post
To get a better understanding of what's happening:

I've got two 'featured' auctions on the home page. One was just relisted, and the other is new. The image of the new one shows up fine, as did the relisted one....when it was new.

Now that it's a 'relisted' auction, the image no longer shows up. It's got the 'x' there instead of the picture. When I right-click on it to check the properties...the URL is all wrong. It's linking to: http://www.outwestgiftshop.com/tradingpost/nas/upload/http: , which doesn't exist.

The other featured auction on the page (the new one that works) has the correct link showing up: http://www.outwestgiftshop.com/tradingpost/nas/featured/1092226977.jpg.

Obviously, the links are pointing to two different folders for some reason. One is linking to the 'featured' folder, while the non-working image is linking to the 'upload' folder. Why would this happen? This was the automatic relist, so I need to know which setting/which page to make changes to, so that this doesn't happen for every single relisted auction.

Any ideas?

Thanks a bunch!

Michelle Bailey
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Re: Homepage Featured Image is broken Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 02-21-08 10:26 PM next post previous post

that has happened to me as well. It doesn't always seem to happen only on ocassion it will enter this vicious cycle.

However a user of mine has also experianced this problem just from listing an item.

I haven't figured it out yet, as it seems to be intermitant.

You are right though once it happens on a relist item it continues to happen every time that item relists.

Let me know if you figure it out.
mewsoft mewsoft's personal page
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Re: Homepage Featured Image is broken Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 3 Posted on: 02-22-08 12:37 PM next post previous post
I double checked what you are syaing but did not find any problems. Please make sure your perl module File::Copy installed. Try also to update the file ProcessAuctions.cgi I forced it to use the File::Copy perl module. you can just use the auto installer to install the software to any directory on your site or email me to getthis file. But in general you should have no problem, if you still after some test have the issue, please let me know here.

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Re: Homepage Featured Image is broken Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 4 Posted on: 02-22-08 07:59 PM next post previous post
I'm sorry to have to break this down so much, but I really want to make sure I'm understanding exactly what to do...

Where should I be checking, to see if the perl module File::Copy is installed?

Also, if I don't see it, where would I get it?
I used the installer to set this up, so I'm not sure how I managed to leave something out, but I'm more than happy to take a look around and see if something isn't where it's supposed to be.

Last question...if I need to update the AutoProcess.cgi, can I just do that one file? Or would I need to let the installer perform a complete reinstall of everything? Just wondering.

Thanks so much for your help! :P

Michelle Bailey
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Re: Homepage Featured Image is broken Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 5 Posted on: 02-23-08 04:30 PM next post previous post
If you used the installer, it maynot set permissions for the file gif2png to 755 or executable, this is used to convert gif files to jpg so this may be the problem, ALso it may notbe working well with your system libs, try to run it from telnet and see if you get any errors.

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Re: Homepage Featured Image is broken Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 6 Posted on: 02-24-08 03:51 PM last post previous post
Yep, that was it!
At first I didn't think so, because I changed the permissions and then refreshed my auction page, thinking it would be that simple and I would see the effect right away. Silly me!

But all I needed to do was delete the existing relisted auction, and Relist it again, in order to see that it works. And all of the relisted auctions that have been done since, now work too!

Thank you for your help. You've caused me to leave some hair on my head un-pulled. Now if the rest will just grow back.... :lol:

Michelle Bailey
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