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Hosting - Everything You Must Know Before Choosing Your Hosting Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 09-26-11 02:07 PM last post first post

Recommendations regarding hosting - Visit our Hosting plans.

All our open source products (Webawy, Auction, Classifieds, Search, Forums, etc) are designed to work on both Windows and Unix Servers (Linux, BSD, FreeBSD, Solaries, etc).

We recommend Linux (Or Unix in general) hosting for all our products for the following reasons:

*)- Linux servers are the fastest server.

*)- You can change your files permissions using any FTP program.

*)- You can use Linux (Unix) Crontab tool to run schedualed task  which can runs scripts or programms at preset times or periodic intervals. This tool is not available on Windows servers. This tool is important for our products Auctions and Classifieds which will automate processing closed auctions, payments, expired ads etc which can not be automated with Windows servers.

*)- Most of our products Webawy, Auction, Classifieds, Search, Forums, etc requires installation of additional Perl modules like the payment modules, GD, MySQL, DBI, etc. Most these modules are installed by default on most good and active Hosting companies. Very large companies like Yahoo, Godaddy, etc do not install any Perl module that does not come with the Perl Package itself and they will not ever install, and their support is very slow, so you can not count on these companies for a real business website. Because their prices seems to be very low, they seems good for none dynamic websites like personal web sites with static html pages or small forms etc.

Therefore do not use these large companies for your business website.

You can always search the web and compare prices and features for hosting companies, but we always recommend our hosting partner because when we partner with one, we choose this partner based on the best conditions for prices, plans, support, activity, and we make sure their servers are ready for our products.

Visit our Hosting plans.

Mewsoft Support

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