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How to force Search Engines Index all your site dynamic pages Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 06-06-11 08:12 PM last post first post

I am creating this FAQ to help our customers force search engines to index all their dynamic pages for al their auctions items or classifieds ads or directory details pages.

By default the products comes with the listing template contains the Header class which in trun contains the three meta tags Title, Description, and Keywords.

The problem if you leave these for the defaults, all the pages generated will have the same meta tags (Title, Description, Keywords) and therefore the search engines stops indexing your site after few pages linked directly to your homepage.

The solution is to make every single page has different meta tags (meta Title, metaDescription, and meta Keywords).

How to make different meta Title, metaDescription, and meta Keywords for all pages

1)-First, go to your admin center, click on Categories Manager (Auction, Directory), General categories (Classifieds), then click on the "Edit" for each category, their fill the meta information for each categories, you can simply use the Category name for the meta title and description and add proper keywords. This will generate the meta tags for the listing pages and search results listings pages.

2)-Edit the "ViewItem" template (Auction), "ViewAd" (Classifieds), or "Details" (Directory comes with the reviews module only) as follows:

Create a general class from admin -> Class Editor call it as "Head", remember you have already the "Header" class

Now, you will find the Head class in the classes menu, copy all the contents of the "Header" class in to the "Head" class and save it.

Edit the "Head" class, replace:

< --CLASS::Meta_Title-- >

With your auction item title class which exists in the ViewItem template or the Ad Title which exists in the ViewAd template:

< !--Title-- >

You can use also most of the classes you see in the view item or view ad page.

You still also can join these information with your default category meta tags, just place the category meta classes besides the above class:


This way you should have a different meta tags for each single page on your site, but you have to spend some time entering different meta tags for categories to make it realy different.

Best wishes

Mewsoft Support

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