Dear All,
Now you can live watch All Mewsoft Support forum posts once they are posted and get visual and audio alerts customized to your needs.
To start, just download and install any Free RSS reader like this one:
or use the one that you like or search the web for others.
Once you install your RSS reader software, configure it (Subscribe) to read our forums RSS feed
All you need is to supply the our forums RSS feed link, click on the link "RSS Syndication" in the bottom navigation below:
to generate the RSS feed link customized to your needs, you can be generate feed for all forums, per forum, or for a specific number of forums and you can customize the maximum number of threads to retrive every check.
RSS Links Examples:
To get the newest threads in all forums, you will get the link:
just use that link in your RSS software, set it to check for updates at the intervals you want.
Another example, to get the latest threads for all announcements forums, you will get the RSS link: