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How to move your products to another server with all modifications Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 06-06-10 09:35 PM last post first post

All our products (Auctionawy, Classifiedawy, Searchawy, Boardawy) uses MySQL database. This makes it very easy safely to any web server at any time with all your data. Also since all these products are template driven, you can safely also transfer all your customizations and languages and all your modifications to the new server or hosting account.

Here are 2 ways to move to a new server

Please do these steps in the same order and be carefull.

First Method

*)- Go to your admin.cgi center, click on "Database & SQL Manager", then click on "Backup SQL Database InTo Text Files". This steps unloads (Backup) all your database contents in to text files in the directory data/database, normaly with the extensions *.sql.pm.

*)-Download all the files and sub directories under your cgi-bin/Product_Directory (cgi-bin/auction, or cgi-bin/classified, or cgi-bin/forum, or cgi-bin/dir, or cgi-bin/search) to your computer in ASCII mode.

*)-Upload from your computer the cgi-bin/Product_Directory and all its sub directories and files (cgi-bin/auction, or cgi-bin/classified, or cgi-bin/forum, or cgi-bin/dir, or cgi-bin/search) to your new server in ASCII mode that you just downloaded in the above step.

*)-Now you just need to edit the configuration file to point to your new server and to your mysql database on the new server, this filename is data/SysConfig.pm for Auctinawy, Classifieday, Boardawy, and data/sysconfig.ini for Searchawy, search this file for these lines and modify to point to your new server:


*)-Now you can login to your admin.cgi on the new server and you will be able to access the Configuration men to modify the MySQL database info on the new server, enter all the mysql login and info and save the configuration.

*)-Go to your Setup wizard and click on "Create SQL Tables" to create all the sql tables on the new server.

*)- The last step is you need to load the database contents to the new server mysql database, to do so, go to the Database & SQL Manager, click on "Restore SQL Database From The Text Files Backup".

You are done...

Second Method

*)-Install a new fresh copy on the product on your new server and complete its configuration and get it runing normal with creating the mysql database. Make sure you finished all the installation and configuration.

To Transfer the MySQL Database only to the new server

*)- Go to your old server admin.cgi center, click on "Database & SQL Manager", then click on "Backup SQL Database InTo Text Files". This steps unloads (Backup) all your database contents in to text files in the directory data/database, normaly with the extensions *.sql.pm.

*)-Download all the files cgi-bin/Product_Directory/data/database (cgi-bin/auction/data/database, or cgi-bin/classified/data/database, or cgi-bin/forum/data/database, or cgi-bin/dir/data/database, or cgi-bin/search/data/database) to your computer in ASCII mode.

*)-Upload all the files from your computer that you just download in the previous step (cgi-bin/Product_Directory/data/database) to the same directory on  your new server in ASCII mode.

*)- The last step is you need to load the database contents to the new server mysql database, to do so, go to the Database & SQL Manager, click on "Restore SQL Database From The Text Files Backup".

To Transfer your Templates and customizations (Classes)

*)- Transfer the directory data/Templates and all its sub directories and files to your new server in ASCII mode.

*)-For Auctionawy, Classifiedawy, Boardawy, all the Classes code is stroed in the file data/templates/Default/Config.pm (Replace Default with your theme name if you created themes.

*)-For Searchawy the Classes are stored in the file data/sysconfig.ini with all the configuration, also transfer it in ASCII mode if you need it.

To Transfer you Language Files

*)-Transfer the directory data/language and all its sub directories and files in ASCII mode to your new server.


Method For Advanced users and Servers Administrators

The above steps may be for Beginners and Intermediate levels of experiance in general, of  course for advanced customer and systems administrators there are other faster and effortless steps.

*)-From the server root access using Telnet shell or system window, dump the mysql database to a file under your data directory, for example:

% mysqldump -u DatabaseUserName -pDatabasePassword DatabaseName > /home/www/domain.com/cgi-bin/data/basename.sql

*)-Tar and gzip the directory cgi-bin/product_directory, this save all your program files with permissions and your mysql database you just dumped.

*)-Transfer the file to your new server and gunzip and Untar then load the mysql database to your new server.

*)-Only you will need to edit the 4 path and url parameters above in the configuration file to point to your new server:

*)-Easy Pro........


If you have any questions before you start please ask us.

Good Luck

Mewsoft Support

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