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I can not open Accounts in the admin area Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 04-07-17 09:56 PM next post first post
Hi When I log into my admin area and click many modules links I can not open the complete page, I only can open the top bar see the attached image of trying to open the Accounts link. It will only open the top bar and a cercal keep moving arrowed trying to open the bottom page, and it will never over it. Please help Thanks Mustafa
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Re: I can not open Accounts in the admin area Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 04-08-17 03:07 AM last post previous post

It may be your interenet connection slow or your browser cashing, try another browser, reboot your PC, or delete your browser temp files.

This is assuming you have not changed the installation code files.


Mewsoft Support

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