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Major Problem Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 05-13-15 11:25 AM next post first post
Hi Ahmed... i took your advise from the last post, and asked the server company gator host to do a restore from the inital backupthat was done, Now I can not acess the site at all, and I can't get to the admin panel or anything.. I have no idea what's gone wrong... and they at host gator are not sure what the problem is either, So I have to ask you to please do a reinstall for me. I am now at a stand still and have no where to turn. Please help me. Paul Rice
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Re: Major Problem Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 05-13-15 11:50 AM last post previous post

All your site is up and runing normal, I also applied the last update that was released. Please important note, we

never ftp or login to customers site without an order either for reinstall or custom work. Take care of your

site, go to  your cPanel, click on Backup and create backup and download it to your PC do this daily at least.

Take care.

Mewsoft Support

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