tamplete intergration.
hi i have posted to this forum a issue regarding the new tamplete.
i got the reply and after words i hope they have deleted it.
any ways i been asked to hire people from https://www.scriptlance.com/
but the problem is i got about 7-8 people replying sayinh this is hard to do and the intergration is hard, and it will cost around $400-500 but i'm not ready to do that. even they one guy agreed for $200 after he said its hard he cant can MEWSOFT do custom design as in tamplete intergration?
That is a fair price if you are looking for a profissional job, can you post a link to your project so I can read the replies to you?. We our self used to do the template for $399 without banners or graphics, that's why I recommended you to hire a web designer. This topic will be deleted after you read it as we do not promote other sites, I only sent you to scriptlance.com to help you but normally you should be able to search the web yourself and find the lowest and best you want. We used in the past (aroun 2000) hire this website http://www.3rdmstudio.com/ their prices and their work was excellent, try to contact them and see. Thank you
ok see this how i wanted http://realtrader.co.uk/test.php is it possible to do so?
for $399 i've got and banner. this is an my idea jpg picture only plus need to change few stuff. on the tamplete