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Not Receiving Activation Notices or Ad Submissions Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 06-20-11 11:35 AM next post first post
Would you please register on my site and see if you get an email with an activation link? If you do, and the account is registered, would you place a test ad?\ \ Several of my friend have tried, got the message on the screen that the registration was successful, and to check their email for an activation link. They never received the email with activation link.\ \ I can do it from my computer, but from nowhere else.\ \ http://465.com/cgi-bin/classified/classified.cgi\ \ Thanks,\ Eric Hartig
mewsoft mewsoft's personal page
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Re: Not Receiving Activation Notices or Ad Submissions Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 06-20-11 07:09 PM next post previous post

I registered and received the confirmation email:

Dear mewsoft mewsoft, Thank you for pre registering for new account. You are almost done. Your confirmation code is YWY8UPHI. Please confirm your email and activate your registration by clicking on the link below or copy the whole link and past into your browser:
Please note, we will keep your information for few days only and will be deleted if you did not confirmation your registration.
Thank you.

Mewsoft Support

fisherman fisherman's personal page
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Would You Place A Test Ad Please Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 06-21-11 11:09 AM next post previous post
Still am not receiving ads from friend. Would you be so kind as to place a quick ad?\ \ Thanks,\ Eric Hartig
bosse bosse's personal page
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Re: Not Receiving Activation Notices or Ad Submissions Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 3 Posted on: 06-21-11 05:01 PM next post previous post
I didnt recived any mail.
mewsoft mewsoft's personal page
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Re: Not Receiving Activation Notices or Ad Submissions Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 4 Posted on: 06-22-11 10:26 AM last post previous post

If some of users on the web not receving emails from your site, then contact your hosting, either your hosting is blocked by these ISP's or your hosting is listed on the SPAM list where these users ISP's uses these spam lists to filter emails. Anyway the solution is in hands of your Hosting.

Mewsoft Support

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