I have applied the last upgrade to my site www.passaparolach.com,
have this problem :
At the sell item page, dont upload the item image , when uload the pic after upload done the message Failed
this is a screen shot of problem.
The last update has new versions for some JS files, you need to update all the code files, use the Live Update to update
the Code files, also do differential update. The sell item and the edit items pages has changes, check the last update topic.
Mewsoft Support www.mewsoft.com
Thanks Mew but the upgrade is correct, have a problem with blend watermark in the image of
item, i have disabled all watermark and the sell page run fine with correct upload.
In the want ads page, when check to upload a image, done this system error:
Very thanks for your suggestion and assistence
Best regards
Hello Franc.,
Correct, please update the file system/ImageLib.pm to fix this.