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Reinstall Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 05-13-15 06:17 AM next post first post
Hi I need you to reinstall my package on my site, several of the admin features do not work I must have messed something up. For example changes made in the language editor do not appear on the site, I noticed this first when trying to change all the instances of "Site_name" to the actual name of my site. There are several other features that do not work as well, I must have deleted or changed something to cause this. As a result, it is impossible for me learn how to use the admin Panel, as it is not funcioning. Now that I have a better understanding of some of the ways the admin panel functions, I will probably get alot further in learning it, once the software is restored soit is functioning. Thanks Paul
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Re: Reinstall Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 05-13-15 06:33 AM last post previous post

Hello Paul,

You do not change any instances of the site_name, this is a language variable in the admin->Language Manger, then

under Edit language in the file General/Homepage, you will find the  languge variable site_name, that's why we say

just search the forums for questions, if you search the forums here for site_name you will know how to change

it in only one location and it will automatically change in all pages. Here is the answer in our FAQ forum for this:

Where to change Site_Name to my company name Open in new window

FAQ forum: http://www.mewsoft.com/cgi-bin/forum/forum.cgi?action=Forums&Forum=13&Lang=English

You will find in your hosting panel cPanel ->Bacup your website backup files that you can restore.

If you still want to reinstall your site, then you have these options,

1)-ask the hosting company to restore your website from the last backup they have.

2)-download the backup that you/we create in your cPanel hosting control panel, then extract on your PC and reupload

only the templates and languge file that you messed or all of them, do not upload files under /data folder.

3)-Order a one hour custom work ($50) and we will reinstall it for you, please note we do not manage customers sites.

Thank you

Mewsoft Support

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