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Restore?? Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 06-14-11 08:36 AM next post first post
Hello!\ How do you do the right restore of the site!?\ \ \ Regards
mewsoft mewsoft's personal page
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Re: Restore?? Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 06-14-11 09:14 AM next post previous post

What you want to restore, your entire website, your auction, your database, etc.

Dependes on if you have entire website backup or not or database only.

The best recommendations is to do  daily backup from your site control panel, normally cPanel or Plesk, they bothhave option to backup/restore the entire website.

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Re: Restore?? Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 06-14-11 09:25 AM next post previous post
Hello king\ U know from the admin>Server Backup I do daily backup and know I missed up the templates so I would like to get the last backup I saved\ How to do that?\ \ \ Regards
mewsoft mewsoft's personal page
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Re: Restore?? Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 3 Posted on: 06-14-11 09:39 AM next post previous post
download the backup file to your computer, unzip then upload the templates files only, cgi-bin/auction/templates/Default/*

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Re: Restore?? Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 4 Posted on: 06-14-11 09:40 AM last post previous post
thanx a lot man
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