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Searchable By Url Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 08-16-11 09:34 PM next post first post
Hello,\ \ I am setting up my directory and spidering urls and adding them to the directory myself. \ \ Is it possible, for a site owner to visit my directory, and type in his url to check if his site is already added to the directory? Currently I can only find the site by keywords. \ \ Also I am possibly interested in the DMOZ crawler, but do not see any description of what it actually does. Can someone provide a link to any further info? Or explain the features here?\ \ Thanks
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Re: Searchable By Url Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 08-17-11 10:24 AM next post previous post

I created an FAQ for the Dmoz plugin here:


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Re: Searchable By Url Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 08-21-11 02:22 AM last post previous post
Hello\ \ Thanks for the link!\ \ As for my other question, is is possible for a visitor to search the directory for their domain and see if the site is already in the directory?\ \ Your help would be greatly appreciated! smile
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