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select category Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 10-11-11 12:15 PM next post first post
hi \ On a postAd.html page, I am having problem with select category.\ When i press select category button, i get categories in new window open. But when i want to select from sub-categories, i get ..loading and thats it.\ At the bottom i see javascript:void(0)-error on page.\ Anybody to help.\ \ hackey
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Re: select category Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 10-11-11 10:47 PM next post previous post
Make sure you transferred  the files *.js in your html/auctions directory in ascii mode and you may need to set these files permissions to executables. Also make sure you did not alter the JS code in this template.

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hackey hackey's personal page
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select category Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 10-12-11 02:09 AM next post previous post
hi\ i tried that but it is not working.\ I checked postAd.html, postadcategory.html and tree.js. \ Is there anything else i need to check.\ \ hackey
hackey hackey's personal page
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PostAd->select category Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 3 Posted on: 10-12-11 12:53 PM next post previous post
hi\ I tried with original templates and followed your instructions.\ I cannot make out the problem.\ Seems tree.js causing problem.\ Stuck\ \ hackey
hackey hackey's personal page
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select categories in postad still not working Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 4 Posted on: 10-14-11 02:17 AM next post previous post
Hello Ahmad\ \ I tried fresh installation via auto installer, and postcatagories.html is not working (giving javascript error)and display categories in the tree wrong.Some main categories are displayed as sub-categories and unable to select categories to post ad.\ \ \ I checked chmod and it is 755 for .js and other files related.\ kindly help.\ \ hackey
mewsoft mewsoft's personal page
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Re: select category Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 5 Posted on: 10-14-11 02:23 AM last post previous post
There are 2 templates used by the categories tree, make sure you have them in your templates directory PostAdCategories.html, PostAdNodeCategories.html , if any of these files is missing then download the .zip files from our site and update these files.

Mewsoft Support

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