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jbartram jbartram's personal page
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selling error page change. Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 12-15-11 08:45 AM next post first post
i need a price on some custom work for the classifieds software, after a customer registers, signs in and clicks the place ad link a page comes up that says,\ \ Selling Error:\ \ You must have positive balance before you can sell. Your current account balance is $0.00000. Please go to your account manager and pay this balance and try again. If you need more help please contact us. \ \ \ i would like a link put below the selling error statement, the EASILY NOTICABLE link would go to the users money manager account, or put the same message setup you have for the auction software.\ \ if you would prefer not to do this, can you give me detailed instructions on how i can?\ \ \ \ \ i have had a couple people test the way its setup now and they get easily frustrated and dont know where to go to deposit money, i have walked them through the process and they would rather not do it, which i feel will turn many other customers away in the future.
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Re: selling error page change. Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 12-15-11 09:34 AM next post previous post

Please try to first search or browse these forums for similar answers.

You set this option in your admin -> General options:

Required positive balance for selling ($): Zero or positive value
Maximum Allowed Negative Balance ($): Negative value only
Sellers Must Prepay Listing Fees: Prepay mode

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Re: selling error page change. Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 12-15-11 11:38 AM next post previous post
i understand what you are saying about the limits, but what i'm saying is i've had a few people that when they get the selling error page they dont know where to go fund their account, get frustrated and decide not to place an ad, all i'm trying to do is place a link above or below the selling error statement to make it easier for people, or have it setup like the auction software, at least at the bottom of the ad page it gives a link to ad funds, instead of going to another page the says selling error?
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Re: selling error page change. Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 3 Posted on: 12-16-11 01:19 AM next post previous post
Seems you are not understanding the program logic. there are many options for payments, what you ae doing iis seems you are requesting positive deposit before selling, what you can do is just turn on the Prepay mode and the user will be able to prepare the ad, preview it and on the preview page there will be information on his balance and a link that opens in a new window to make payment then he will just click the submit ad without re-entering the ad info.

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Re: selling error page change. Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 4 Posted on: 12-16-11 03:47 AM next post previous post
i'm just not seeing what you are telling me? it lets the ad go through and just puts a balance in their account. and if their account is at negative it puts up the selling error page?\ \ i have prepay on \ positive balance is set to 0\ negative balance is set to -5000(as per your suggestion)\ \ so what am i doing wrong?\ i would like them to pay before listing with out having to through alot of hassle?\ \ i can continously post ads without prepaying listing fee's? why?\ \ can you please tell me where i can edit\ (Selling Error:\ \ You must have positive balance before you can sell. Your current account balance is $0.00000. Please go to your account manager and pay this balance and try again. If you need more help please contact us.)\ \ so i can put a detailed description of what the person needs to do? i have looked over and over and i cant find it.
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Re: selling error page change. Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 5 Posted on: 12-16-11 06:16 AM next post previous post

If you insert the class < ! --CLASS::Money_Manager-- >:

Code: HTML    Select All    Expand All

anywhere in your text it will display the money manager link so users can click to deposit money.

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Re: selling error page change. Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 6 Posted on: 12-16-11 12:17 PM next post previous post
thank you very much for that, but i still need to know where i can edit the selling error page.
mewsoft mewsoft's personal page
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Re: selling error page change. Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 7 Posted on: 12-19-11 02:04 AM next post previous post
This has been answered immediately in the first answer to this post, no more details more than these.

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Re: selling error page change. Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 8 Posted on: 12-19-11 02:16 PM last post previous post
I FOUND IT thank you thank you!!!\ \ i had to use the search engine!
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