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jejainc jejainc's personal page
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Set-up site by URL question Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 03-17-15 09:18 PM next post first post
Is it possible to use program so that I may have different sub pages that my member go to just for their location vs. one page then finding their location? For example: I started www.operationclassifieds.com. I want to add a different location for each place I run my site. My members would go to www.operationclassifieds.com and from the home page I design they would pick their location, lets say Saratoga, NY. From there I would like them to be directed to: www.operationclassifieds.com/saratoga. That page would be the classifiedawy site, but just for Saratoga. I'd like all my locations to work the same way so there is no searching locations once one the classified page. Can anyone help me with this? Thank you.
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Re: Set-up site by URL question Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 03-20-15 03:27 AM last post previous post
The links are dynamically build by the software, you can just directly use shortcuts to the categories of the locations. The solution of course you can do it manually for each category by creating folders for on the server with the same structure as the categories. Of course the advanced way is to use the apache server mod rewrite and build your own homepage index page and redirect the user from the homepage, search the web for mod rewrite examples.

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