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SOFTWARE ERROR MESSAGE Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 04-17-10 11:31 PM next post first post
We are getting the following when trying to upload auction images on our site.\ \ Can some body please help us fix the problem?\ \ "Software error:\ Can't locate object method "newFromGif" via package "GD::Image" at /home/student/public_html/cgi-bin/auction/SellLib.pm line 743."\ \ Thanks
raider raider's personal page
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Re: SOFTWARE ERROR MESSAGE Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 04-18-10 01:50 AM next post previous post
Hi Blk
\ I have had that problem its down to your web host - they must have an outdated or corrupt version of GD::Image module on their server
There is FAQ about it on the relevant section as far as I recall with instructions.
However I did find that atleast in the case of IXwebhosting they would not fix or update a module based on one users request
so I had to move host.
Anyways read the FAQ and try asking your Host to read it too
so they know what needs fixed.


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Re: SOFTWARE ERROR MESSAGE Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 04-18-10 01:53 AM next post previous post
We're really having problems here!!!\ \ I'm sure the solution to our issues are probably obvious and have been covered before in the forum - which we have overlooked.\ \ But Mewsoft, can we get your support too with any one of our recent postings?\ \ Thank you
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Re: SOFTWARE ERROR MESSAGE Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 3 Posted on: 04-18-10 01:56 AM next post previous post
Thanks Raider - I'll contact my host about that and look at the FAQ\ \ \ Cheers
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Re: SOFTWARE ERROR MESSAGE Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 4 Posted on: 04-18-10 02:56 AM next post previous post
Thanks Raider - I'll contact my host about that and look at the FAQ\ \ \ Cheers
mewsoft mewsoft's personal page
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Re: SOFTWARE ERROR MESSAGE Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 5 Posted on: 04-18-10 03:40 AM next post previous post

Yes correct, this error means they still have an old GD module versin which does not support GIF files. Ask them to install the latest version.


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Re: SOFTWARE ERROR MESSAGE Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 6 Posted on: 04-18-10 01:32 PM next post previous post
Raider and Mewsoft,thanks for looking at it for us.\ \ I've been in contact with my hosts who confirms at this point to have updates with the latest versions that are coming packaged with Apache and Cpanel.\ \ They suggest that some of the error messages on my logs have problems with permissions and paths.\ \ I have gone through all the directories and they all seem to have the right permissions and I think the paths are also properly pointed.\ \ I would be grateful if you were to look at the path we've used to see if they are right\ \ /home/mewsoft/public_html/cgi-bin/auction\ http://www.mewsoft.com/cgi-bin/auction\ /home/student/public_html/html/auctions\ http://www.mewsoft.com/html/auctions\ /home/mewsoft/public_html/html/auctions/aboutme_data\ /home/mewsoft/public_html/html/auctions/aboutme\ http://www.mewsoft.com/public_html/html/auctions/aboutme\ \ Thanks
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Re: SOFTWARE ERROR MESSAGE Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 7 Posted on: 04-18-10 03:30 PM next post previous post
All your above paths are not correct, they all have mewsoft which is the default paths. You must set your paths and urls correct in your admin->configuration.

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blkcloud blkcloud's personal page
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Re: SOFTWARE ERROR MESSAGE Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 8 Posted on: 04-18-10 05:52 PM next post previous post
I merely used "mewsoft" as an example for where my domain name would be....\ \ But is the structure right?\ \ Cheers
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Re: SOFTWARE ERROR MESSAGE Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 9 Posted on: 04-18-10 07:43 PM next post previous post

Anyway, the above error does not relate to your paths, the error:

"Software error:
Can't locate object method "newFromGif" via package "GD::Image" at /home/student/public_html/cgi-bin/auction/SellLib.pm line 743."

is only and only due to the older GD version installed, they may be lying when they said they did updated it but they did not actually.

Anyway, if they insist on not installing the latest version of the GD which support GIF files, you 'll have to switch to a good hosting company and in this case check our hosting partner if you are not with them.

As for your paths as long you are able to register and see images like your logo then all your paths correct.

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Re: SOFTWARE ERROR MESSAGE Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 10 Posted on: 04-19-10 05:57 AM next post previous post
Mewsoft said:\ \

Anyway, the above error does not relate to your paths, the error:

"Software error:  Can't locate object method "newFromGif" via package   "GD::Image" at /home/student/public_html/cgi-bin/auction/SellLib.pm line   743."    

is only and only due to the older GD version installed, they may be lying   when they said they did updated it but they did not actually.

\ \ The tech people over at USWDH maintains they have latest GD module installed and that the problem is script related on line 743 of the SellLib.pm file mentioned on the error.\ \ I'm trying to locate this file but can't see it the Language Editor, except for another file "Sell.pm"\ \ Mewsoft where can I locate this file?

blkcloud blkcloud's personal page
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Re: SOFTWARE ERROR MESSAGE Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 11 Posted on: 04-19-10 09:35 AM next post previous post
Hi - this is confusing. This is the latest reply I've received from my host.\ \ \ \ \ \ \
Support Admins report we are actually upgraded to the LATEST STABLE release of GD"gd-2.0.33"
\ Also the error you are getting is ususally NOT becaus of the latest version but rather because the later versions DO NOT support gif.
\ So its rather the oppisite its not that the version is to old but rather too new..
raider raider's personal page
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Re: SOFTWARE ERROR MESSAGE Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 12 Posted on: 04-19-10 11:03 AM next post previous post
Hi Blk,
\ Your paths look fine, however the main test is does the site display as it should can you update templates through admin, can you search for items etc etc.
\ If these work your paths are fine in admin you can check your permissions and files using
Setup wizard - then select check directories and then check permissions
However it is definately the case the GD::Image module is wrong for the issue you describe.
The FAQ related to this is at http://mewsoft.com/cgi-bin/forum/forum.cgi?action=ViewTopic&Topic=455&Forum=6&Page=1&Period=0a&Lang=English
If you visit that page you will see a Test Script to report on the module
your Host has installed.
From what you have posted it seems they are trying to mislead you, this being the case
they are unlikely to update it for you, so best start looking for another host.


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Re: SOFTWARE ERROR MESSAGE Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 13 Posted on: 04-19-10 11:32 AM next post previous post
Thanks Raider, really appreciate your help todate trying to put this script together.\ \ WELL, WE'VE DROPPED USWDH AS A HOST!!!! CUSTOMER SERVICE SIMPLY WASN'T ALL THAT....\ \ We've now signed up with HOSTGATOR.COM and let's hope we can finally get this show on the road.\ \ Mewsoft, do we qualify for a FREE installation considering the purchase was made via this site???\ \ Thanks
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Re: SOFTWARE ERROR MESSAGE Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 14 Posted on: 04-19-10 12:13 PM next post previous post

Just email me for free installation:

Please send us these info:
website address:
FTP address or IP:
FTP user:
FTP password:
also, please create a mysql database and send its info:
Mysql host: localhost
mysql database name:
mysql database user:
mysql database password:
If you do not know how to create a mysql database, please send
your site control panel URL and login and we 'll create it for you.

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Re: SOFTWARE ERROR MESSAGE Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 15 Posted on: 04-19-10 04:48 PM last post previous post
Sent you an email. Just checking for your email address.\ \ Thanks
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