when I spyder my auction site I extract the the urls in the site to put them into the pending submissions. Alot of the site names come back as "Mewsoft - www.mewsoft.com" but with my info and url imbedded. Even when I have a category with my auction site name in the META name it does this. My main site page comes up correct, it's on all of my category pages and any other page not being a main page. I have attached a pic of what I am saying..\
Mewsoft - www.mewsoft.com \
http://nwauction.net/cgi-bin/auction/auction.cgi?action=Contact_Us&Lang=English \
webmaster@nwauction.net \
I had already done that as indicated in the pic. If you notice in the pic in my above post my main pages display correctly, all of my sub pages, categories etc do not...
The other thing that you can check and edit is the meta tags of each category, admin->category manager, click on the each main category, you will find the category meta tags that you can edit.
Yes, I had done that already.. and I still get the same results in all of my categories.\
On the main pages it seems to work ok, its when I get to categories etc it comes back with "Mewsoft - www.mewsoft.com" when you click on it it takes you to my category, but the display name is yours.\
And it does not pick up the META description for categories either, only on the main pages..
I spydered the site after the meta changes and still got the same thing.. here is an image that shows the META, the Crawl Results and my page header of the same category..
it is working normal, also if you try iton your site , to spider the classifieds or forums, it also works fine, the problem seems with the auction is being cashed by your server, it may needs to wait for the server restart or until the server cash is expired.
Also do you have previous or other auctions installation of the auction on the same server or any old one's, may be locally the sockets connects to it.
I only have the one auction on my server... the question is where is it getting the Mewsoft.com info from? I do not have it any where in my configuration for META at all? I have had this site up for over a year.... I even rebooted my server and still get the same results..
ok I will do that, but in the mean time can you tell me how the Mewsoft.com info is on my site... I have had my META info on the site for over a year. And why would it work on the main page but not the category pages? Where is it getting the Mewsoft.com info from?