ON the postAd.html page I press the select category button, The get categories in new window open. But when i want to select from sub-categories, I get ..loading and thats it.\
I just installed the Auction and it works fine there. The sub categories show up.\
I have read the the other post in the form to attempt to debug the issue. \
I have the correct html PostAdCategories.html, and PostAdNodeCategories.html.\
I have check permissions. Since Auction is working but Classifiedway is not. Can this be a data issue?\
I am not sure where to look now.\
Just to let everyone know. I found the problem.\
The install creates a classified\html\classifieds\
with a s on the end. Some of the code looks for classified\html\classified\images\
note no s on the end of second classified. You can get around this by creating a new dir classified\html\classified\
and moving the images folder and .js under this.\
I know others are having this issue also.\
Hope this helps.\