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Template Editor Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 05-08-15 10:06 AM next post first post
Hi I was told that most of my edits to my front page could be done on the Template Editor, so I am trying to learn how to use it...I thought that would be a good place to start... I am taking your advice and just trying to make small edits that i understand. I have had alot of problems trying to reformat the text in the blue box on the Home page... so ( taking your advice ) I went to your admin demo and copied the code from your front page and pasted it onto mine so I could start again...that way all I had to do was open the wysiwyg editor in template editor and highlite the text and change it..as you can see that worked... but I would like to understand how to make other changes FOR EXAMPLE: - I would like to delete the "Select You Language",area, and the "Select your region" areas all together. - It seems that I've replaced the 'Auctions" logo with my own...which is not what I wanted to do. What I wanted to do was create more space at the very top...and place my logo across the entire top...now I'm missing my 'Auctions" are altogether. - I also need to find out how to create more spaces near the top and on the sides in which to place Corporate banner ads. I have figured outnhow to upload graphics frommy computer up to the website, but when I use the template editor to insert an image on the Front page..it asks me for the URL to the image..and i'm not what i putin there. Any help you can give is much appreciated.. I realize this is a very powerful program, but you have to be patient, I am a graphic designer with over 20 years experience, and I get frustrated when things don't work as one ( based on my experience) would expect them too. thanks Paul
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Re: Template Editor Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 05-08-15 12:42 PM last post previous post

Excellent, so you are a graphic designer. You will get it and handle everything in less than few hours not saying 2-3 days.

Html is the easiest thing anyone can learn in few hours, our products may be one of the easiest Dynamic software that

totally html template driven, most if not all other dynamic software mix language programming code with html code and

only programmer who can customize, the only difference beetween our products template system and static html pages is that

to make customizing the software whole theme, each product has hundreds of pages generated dynamically, so to make it

very easy for customization, we created the classes and General Classes which simply a block of html code that you can insert

in the templates , so instead of including the html page header part in each page, we stored this block on code in the class Header,

and so on so templates contains the main html code for page and you will find each tempplate contains a reference to these classes,

for example, all templates contains the Header class at the top and the Footer class at the bottom, this makes is very easy

to customize the top and bottom parts of all templates or pages genertated by only customizing these two classes.

The Header class contains a CSS code that effect all pages text size and color and all links text sizes and effects and colors,

The program inserts its dynamic contents in these templates by the place holders for what we called classes like this:

< !--CLASS::LanguageMenu-- >

and <!--CLASS::LocationMenu-->

So you move these classes where you want to display the Language menu or Location menu or if you do not want them

just delete them from the template and do not forget to save the template after you make the changes.

Hope this will help you.

Thank you

Mewsoft Support

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