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The html editor is not working Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 12-04-10 05:31 PM next post first post

The html editor is not working or better said the link is broken. It is working here just fine.

springanew springanew's personal page
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Same thing here Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 12-10-10 04:07 AM next post previous post
This is one I am having the same problem with.\ \ Did you find a solution?\ \ Leslie/Springanew
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Re: The html editor is not working Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 2 Posted on: 12-10-10 04:33 AM next post previous post
Please post the url to this error.

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springanew springanew's personal page
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Re: The html editor is not working Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 3 Posted on: 12-10-10 04:50 AM next post previous post
I had to snag it quick as the error page redirects:\ \ http://www.sanantonioonlinegaragesale.biz/cgi-bin/classified/\ \ This is what I get when I clicked on switch to visual html editor.\ \ but down in the bottom bar it ends with just like in the first example in the post above.\ \ I hope this is what you need.\ \ Thank you\ \ Leslie/Springanew
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Re: The html editor is not working Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 4 Posted on: 12-10-10 05:06 AM next post previous post
If you m ean the link on the place ad page that switches the description editor between text and visual html editor. make sure its code is not altered, you can simply just replace the original template or that part of code you can even copy it from our demo, and also be sure you have the latest cgi (.pm files).

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springanew springanew's personal page
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Same error on Forum Demo Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 5 Posted on: 12-10-10 11:13 PM last post previous post
I signed into the demo and ran into the same error there.\ \ I get the same codes etc. I am currently using firefox. I'll check on IE.\ \ However in "this" forum the link is good and calls a different action.\ \ Where do we go to substitute the correct code? I know I saw it somewhere but there are so many different places it gets confusing.\ \ I'm going to take a wild guess that at least on the About me link its a problem in the < ! --UserVisualEditorSwitch--> and I still don't know where to go (yet) to fix those.\ \ Thank you\ \ Leslie/Springanew
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