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Updated Paypal Files Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 05-26-12 08:31 AM next post first post
I have installed the files as instructed and made the changes as per your message but, as was the first time, paypal is accepting the payment but, the payment is not being noted in the classifiedawy program. \ \ I also noted that the transaction acitvity screen also does not note that a payment has been made but I am assuming that it is because the payment is not being credited back to the program.\ \ Suggestions? \ \ Thanks
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Re: Updated Paypal Files Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 05-26-12 10:26 AM last post previous post
May be everyone should note that, paypal does have some delay before processing the payment, once the customer pays you by paypal, it may be completed immediately, after a minute or minutes etc, it depends on paypal load not on your side, once they complete the payment, it will be posted in the Payment Activity. Note also payments like eChecks which may take 3 days or more will not be displayed in the program Payment Activity until the payment is cleared on paypal.

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