A popular user friendly and attractive feature missing.
I have tried many membership sites that run either on php or perl. No doubt Mewsoft is amongst the best of what's out there. However a key features may be missing here that may be annoying or even a deterrent to possible members. Here is the scenario:
I am a visitor and have been checking out this classified/auction site and contemplating on becoming a member, or I have become a member and I'm back to look for an item. The site is pretty large with thousands upon thousands of listings and I have to search for the item of interest. After several searches I finally find what I'm looking for and would like to contact the author to inquire about the post. as I click the "contact author" link, all of a sudden it takes me to the "login" page. Oh sure.... I had not logged in, I will log in and ....boom.... I am signed on but where am I ? at the "account overview" page, :-( well what about all the time I spent searching for my item ? I have to start the search all over again. How annoying. :-(
Most programs and sites that I have seen and used when you are trying to "inquire" or "place a bid" after you login, they take you right back to the page/post that you were at before login. A very useful, attractive and encouraging feature for revisiting the site as well as being very user friendly.
So my question: is it possible we will someday have such a feature added to our program ? it sure would be a good improvement. Any opinions out there?
Normaly the user will sign on one time and the system will keep him logged in forever until he signs out. So the system does not need to return him back since the registration process itself is confirmed by email etc.
Dear Ahmed'\
" NORMALLY" meaning (under Normal conditions) and in an ideal world where there are no attacks and intrusions into your system and we can comfortably keep all settings on our computers at a constant setting your argument would be true. But as you know and have experienced first hand, most computer users now a days are running some protective program on their machines and most savvy users are also doing things manually to their computers for protection. And of course what I am referring to is the deletion and/or blocking of cookies and clearing of the cash either manually or by the protective program settings on a routine basis. \
So to assume that every one is using a computer at ideal conditions will put many users at a disadvantage with the feature of our subject matter. and you know more than 50 percent of users on the internet are taking these steps to keep their machines clean. So the cookie that is responsible for keeping us signed in may not exist at all times. This is a large percentage of visitors to discourage. Further more a lot of people are using more than one computer to access the internet these days. Some times at the home computer and other times at work. Are you suggesting both computers should keep them signed in? wouldn't that be unsafe with all the account and credit card information at any one's reach? Shouldn't they sign out when leaving as safe practice? Does our "feature" in question make more sense now? What do you think ? \
Anyway, it is up to you to see the world the way you want and of course this can be done as a custom programming. If you are interested contact us by email.