Since Auctionawy 2012 which also named as "Webawy", it includes the Live Update module. The Live Update module helps automation of the upgrade of the product and your installation to the latest version. The Live Update will help you easily apply all upgrades, minor updates, fixes, new additions, etc without much experiance.
How to apply upgrades using Live Update module in your admin center.
*)- go to your admin center, click on "Live Update" module or link in the menus.*)- click on the "Account" tab and set your license information if you have not.
*)- click the "Clean" tab to clean and click on "Clean Now" button to remove any previous version in the live update. *)- click on "Download" tab and click on "Download Now" button to download the latest version automatically. *)- click on the "Extract" tab and click on the "Extract" button to extract the zip file downloaded. *)- click on the "Update" tab. *)- In the Update tabs, click on the tab you want to apply its updates. For example, to update all the code files to the latest version, click on the tab "Code Update" then click the button "Upgrade Code Files" and wait until it is finished. The Live Update "Update" tabs has full details on what each tab and upgrade process will be done, so please read it. Thank you