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Webawy MoneyBookers, Stripe, Verkkomaksut Payments Added Version 18.50 Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 01-02-17 07:06 AM last post first post
Hello Everyone,

Webawy 18.50 released with major updated.

Features and updates in this release

*)- Skrill (MoneyBookers.com) payment gateway added and automated. www.skrill.com, www.moneybookers.com

*)- Stripe payment gateway added and automated. www.stripe.com

*)- Suomen Verkkomaksut Payment Gateway added. http://www.verkkomaksut.fi Process payments of Suomen Verkkomaksut in Finland.
     Payments from all Finnish Banks online:

         Nordea, Osuuspankki, Sampo, Tapiola, Aktia, Nooa, Paikallisosuuspankit, Säästöpankit, Handelsbanken,
         S-Pankki, Ålandsbanken, also from Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard credit cards through Luottokunta,
         and PayPal, billing through Collector and Klarna.

*)- Added User Browser Language Auto Detect and saved it in cookie for faster access.

*)- Added in the Category module, Region/Location categories, Active/inactive categories to display or hide region categories optionally at anytime.

*)- Fixed: edit profile date of birth update for dates before epoch time 1/1/1970

*)- Removed the old links for Process auctions, view log etc, these are already tabs in the auction module in the admin.

*)- Commified number for view items, listing, want ads, for example 12345678.54 will be 12,345,678.54

*)- "Search Terms" added buttons for Delete All, Uncheck All

*)- General module, "General Settings" tab added: Save Search Terms option: on/off

*)- Announcements module, Letters, now write in utf-8 direct the letters subject and body  and it will be sent as utf-8 without need on your side for entity encode.

*)- Accounts->Settings->added:
          Watermark Status: enabled/disabled
          User Watermark Status: enabled/disabled
          User Fingerprint Image Status: enabled/disabled

*)- Configuration modue->Mail system -> added these options:
          Outgoing Email X-Mailer
          Additional Outgoing Email Headers
          Outgoing Email Format
          Outgoing Email X-Priority

*)- Front page current bid/buy price zeros after decimal removed

*)- View item counter code updated for right direction themes:

          ViewItem language file
          view_item_counter=This item has been viewed

           templates: ViewItem, ViewBuyItem, ItemPreviewBuy, ItemPreview

*)- Module auction, tab browsing, added:
         Home Page Title Length

*)- Titles, Descritpion, Sub Title, length for unicode adjusted.

*)- Added Currency Full Name in currency module.

          in the view items templates use to display the full currency name.

*)-Lib folder now includes the syntax highlighter module for the forums code blocks Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate.

*)- Auction module, browse:

          Hide pagination if pages less than 2 pages:

          added in the Auction -> Browsing
          added in the Want Ads -> Settings

          search all listing templates and insert the code:


         and replace it with the code:


How to update

Premium service customers, we already applied this upgrade to your sites.

Please backup your entier site using your cpanel or plesk or your hosting panel.

*)-Use the Live Update module in your admin center.

*)- Download, Clean, Extract, then click the tab Update and do these updates:

    Code Update, Deferential Update, Language Update->Update All, Then Upgrade Scripts and run the script upgrade-18.50.

The payment links added in the money mgr template you can manually add it to your site.

Please upgrade your license if expired to get the latest version.

If you are a premium manual upgrade license expired, hurry and order a new year to continue
to get our manual updates service to your site and keep your business updated.

Thank you

Mewsoft Support

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