Hello Mewsoft,
I am Just wondering how i can access the Details of this page to edit the FOLLOWING ITEMS on that page;
check the banners templatesin the template editor.
Mewsoft Support www.mewsoft.com
Yeah i have gone to the Banner Tempate and i was able to edit the TITLE only but i cant see the Years..even at the c-panel has proven futile.
I still Need help still on that
For the menu range, you need to edit the cgi file AdStats.pm , search for the block which starts with:
sub Get_Advertisers_Stats_Menus{
then few lines you will find a line like that:
for $x(104..110) { $Y=$x+1900;
the 104 is the starting year in the menu minus 1900, which is equal to 2004, the 110 is the end year which is
Hi, I Got It Man..!
I had visited the Code severally but i couldnt figure out a thing..The Code was smartly hidden.