Well seems it is always something with me.. this time it's the View Item Countdown ticker. It's gone! It was working perfect and I have no clue when it slipped away but when I went to check on featured item for auction I went to view it and no timer.. every thing else is on the page. And working.. \
I replaced the ViewItem.html, ViewBuyItem.html and every other related pm page I can find that I thought would fix it but nothing changed. \
There are only so many files that control this page so it has to be one of them. I just don't know what all they are so I must have missed one. Anyone know how to get it to show or what files to replace to set it back like new? \
Really could use the help here.
If it is not displaying at all, then you should tell exactly tell what you did so we can be more helpful, however, the list to do is, upload again the ViewIteml.html template, the ViewItem Language File.
The other thing to note that, if it is showing but the count does not change, then this is how it works. The system keep track of surfers and only count all visits from the SAMP computer or same IP to the same address as only one "1" to keep sellers from refrishing their items pages to increase their visitor counters.
I replaced those files .. but no difference.. so let me try to explain better what I did I was trying to keep it short before since nothing else I know of or the last few days today would relate to this page but I don't know. \
Anyway... Today I went to Admin and set up the PayPal IPN and then I logged in to a test account to make a payment as a test. The Payment went fine and I got the email after and all that. Next I went back to admin and deleted the teat auctions you had set up and 1 that was just ran out to see the close email and that function and all went fine. \
Next I looked went back to view the other auctions as if a customer and when I went to view the items details I then saw the timer was not there. The space was blank but the rest of the page was fine. I have no idea when the count down timer got messed up so I can't tell more then that. I had not looked at it in a like 5 days because I was waiting on the other sell.html problem to resolve. Then after that was fixed I still didn't think to go there so who knows. \
And now for the 2nd time fresh from a download I replaced the files you said ( you can check for your self the pages don't even match my custom pages due to the upload and no difference still. \
So what else could be the problem.. I can't explain it any better than that sorry. \
I did something some time to make it stop but what and when I don't know or ever how I did.. so what do I do now??\
I still need this to work.
There is no other possiblities. I see you replaced again the cgi files with your's, you may need again to replace the ViewItem template and the View Item language file (upload in ascii mode). ALso the JS code in the class header do not remove it, also do not remove the JS code anywhere unless you know what you are doing.
I can't sit still anyway I replaced every file in the lang folder and now the problem is gone so who nows .. I replaced then all with the older files I had already made custom.. not all is well at least for the moment till I mess something else up.. \
I'm a pretty good designer but I just can't get the hang of Perl for some reason.. to simple I guess for my complex brain. \
You are excellent as always and even if I sould like I am fussing really I am not. \
You did help point me in the right direction so thank you.\
Maybe I can go into your "stupid" customer file