Yesterday I already uploaded the folder classifieds that you had deleted it, I just changed the permissions for
the folder SecImg to 755 and I can see the security image:
Mewsoft Support
Thanx Mewsoft,
I couldnt figure out what was happenning and i tried several times to change the security Permissions severally..
i even tried what you have now done but i was seeing blank..
Now what about REMOVING THE MEWSOFT Banner on the Header and Replacing with My LOGO?
Also am not seeing Images in the Admin Page.
It has given me headache the whole day and now i am deep into the night and no Success..
i need to start making money with this site..Help me again.
try to search these forums for anything you need first, you will find the answer to most your questions,
as for the logo, you upload your logo file logo.gif to the theme folder using your ftp program
to public_html/classifieds/theme/Default.
As for the banner, you can replace this banner in your Banner manager in the admin center, you will
find a demo account mewsoft and a demo banner there.
As for the admin images not shown, it was also permissions for the images folder, I set it to 755 and
I saw your admin login images.