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ViewAd.html page Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
First Post Posted on: 11-21-10 01:42 AM next post first post
The Country will not load in the ViewAd.html page in the Contact Information aera. it will load up on the other pages. what do i need to look for?
mewsoft mewsoft's personal page
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Re: ViewAd.html page Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 1 Posted on: 11-21-10 01:06 PM next post previous post
Restore th original template and do not remove any JS code or form fields when customizing.

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Reply #: 2 Posted on: 11-21-10 06:19 PM next post previous post
Hi Ahmed\ \ This is a tricky one, If I post a new ad the country in the box comes up from the registration like it should. If I make the sliest change to it, and post the ad it is gone, and I can’t but it back in. in edit ad at all. So if I don’t change it it will come up in the ViewAd page. But if I edit the Ad and make the sliest change to it it is gone..\ \ I have Restored all the original template and did not remove any JS code or form fields
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Re: ViewAd.html page Edit Delete Reply with quote Quote
Reply #: 3 Posted on: 11-22-10 01:33 AM last post previous post

I released an update to change this to drop down menu, just apply it here:



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