I need to be able to use Authorize .net and PayPal but don't know what mods I am missing.. anyone know so I can put them in?\
I also Can't seem to get the Banking feature in Money manager to transfer .. Error says Check account info.. the bank info is correct. Is there a mod for the add a bank account feature also?\
Here are all the mods I show I have:\
File::Copy Installed\
DBI Installed\
DBD::mysql Installed\
Cwd Installed\
GD Installed\
Net::SMTP Installed\
LWP::Simple Installed\
LWP::UserAgent Installed\
Archive::Zip Installed\
constant Installed\
Crypt::SSLeay Installed\
Time::Local Installed\
HTML::LinkExtor Installed\
URI::URL Installed\
HTML::Parser Installed\
HTML::Entities Installed\
HTML::HeadParser Installed\
CGI::Carp Installed\
Carp::Heavy Installed\
LWP::UserAgent Installed\
Business::OnlinePayment Installed\
Finance::Quote Installed\
Finance::QuoteHist Installed\
Net::FTP Installed \
DBI Installed Drivers and Data Sources \
Thank for anyones help here.. I have tried every thing.. \