Searchawy Snapshot Manager - Website Screen Shots and Html to Image Converter
Check Also Our URL Snapshotter Command Line Tool
Check Also Our SiteShot Website Screen Capture & Thumbnail Generator
Searchawy Snapshot Manager is a Windows desktop program to add web pages thumbnails screenshots to your directory website.
Download Searchawy Snapshot Manager
Revive your directory with Snapshots. Snapshots are thumbnail screenshots of your directory web pages that allow you to visualize web sites or preview links before clicking. Snapshots take away the guessing and unwanted surprises from surfing the Internet. Locate relevant information faster and easier. The end result is less frustration and increased productivity. Add a What You See Is What You Get visual experience to everyone, everytime and everywhere.
Main Features Summery
- Multi-threaded snapshotter upto 100 threads.
- Real time thumbnail viewer and stats.
- Sets web pages time out.
- Sets thumbnail size.
- Snap full html web page or optional dimensions.
- Sets the images type to JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, TIF.
- Sets the JPG quality (compression) percent.
- Can convert colored thumbnails to gray.
- Can convert colored thumbnails to black and white.
- Option to keep aspect ration of snapshots.
- Watermark snapshots with optional formated text.
- Different watermark text styles (Normal, Outline, Fill Outline, Shadow).
- Watermark snapshots with optional image.
- Image effects (Erode Border, Fade Border, Fish Eye, Frame Solid, Frame Image, Irregular Border, Shadow Canvas
Perspective Horizontal, Perspective Vertical, Random Shear, Rotate, Skew Horizontally
Skew Vertically, Tint, Twirl, Twist, Vignette).
- Image Filters (Antialias, ColorCorrect, ColorEmboss, EnhanceEdge, HighPass, LowPass, Melt, Negative, Sharpen, Soften, SoftenMore, Compress, Convolution).
- Sets watermark positions anywhere on snapshots.
- Automatically imports your directory links information.
- Import all directory links or modified within date or links without snapshots.
- Built in multi-threaded snapshots uploader to your server.
- Websites snapshotter built in tool for taking snapshots of websites.
- Thumbnails and images viewer built in tool.
- Ignores downloadable links (.exe, .zip, .tar, .gz, .tgz, .rar, .gif,.jpg, etc).
- Easy product registeration.
- Easy and nice user interface.
- Much more...
