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Listing Options


 HTML Manipulation
 Maximum Title Size in Bytes
 Maximum Description Size in Bytes
 Maximum Keywords Size in Bytes
 Number of Days for New Listings
 New Icon Graphics File
 Updated Icon Graphics File
 Popular Icon Graphics File
 Hot Icon Graphics File
 Listing Templates



The listings options let you customize the look and feel of your sites or listings in the normal directory browse or in search results. Also these options controls the new submissions on the user side for security and performance.


HTML Manipulation

 This menu allow you to control the html code in the submission by the users.

  • Allow Safe HTML
    This option will accept all system safe html code and remove all the code that could be harm on the system or might allow hackers to run dangerous code on your server. It will allow normal HTML tags.

  • Disable All HTML
    This option will accept all the HTML code submitted by the user but will turn it off and display it as a text only not as an operational HTML

  • Remove All HTML
    This option will completely delete all the HTML code from all the new submissions.


Maximum Title Size in Bytes

Set maximum length in bytes of the title accepted from the user submissions.


Listing Options   What's This?   
HTML Manipulation:
Maximum Title Size in Bytes:
Maximum Description Size in Bytes:
Maximum Keywords Size in Bytes:
Number of Days for New Listings:
New Icon Graphics File:
Updated Icon Graphics File:
Popular Icon Graphics File:
Hot Icon Graphics File:

 Listing Templates

   Template Name: Delete

   Template Name: Delete

   Template Name: Delete

   Template Name: Delete

   Template Name: Delete

   Template Name: Delete

   Template Name: Delete

   Template Name: Delete

Create New Template:



Maximum Description Size in Bytes

Set maximum length in bytes of the description accepted from the user submissions.


Maximum Keywords Size in Bytes

Set maximum length in bytes of the keywords accepted from the user submissions.


Number of Days for New Listings

Set the number of days the listing will be considered as newly submitted and will be displayed as new for the users.


New Icon Graphics File

This is the image file that will be displayed besides the sites to show it is new submitted site.


Updated Icon Graphics File

This is the image file that will be displayed besides the sites to show it is updated.


Popular Icon Graphics File

This is the image file that will be displayed besides the popular sites.


Hot Icon Graphics File

This is the image file that will be displayed besides the hot sites.


Listing Templates

The listing templates are used to draw and format the listings output of the program. You can define unlimited number of listing templates and use all of them at the same time. You can also list each listing or website in different listing template. For example you can create templates for sponsors or create templates for displaying detail contact information for sites, and more limited only to your imagination.

A simple example code for listing template is shown below:

       <TD WIDTH="100%">
           <A HREF="<!--LINK-->"><!--TITLE--></A>
        <TD WIDTH="100%">

The classes shown in the table  (1) are available for use in any listing template.




<!--TITLE--> Inserts the site title
<!--LINK--> The HREF part of the site address
<!--DESCRIPTION--> Site description
<!--URL--> The direct web site address
<!--KEYWORDS--> The search terms used
<!--ID--> The link unique ID number
<!--Cat_ID--> The link category unique ID number
<!--User_ID--> The link account holder User ID
<!--Start_Date--> The start date link was submitted
<!--Update_Date--> The last update date to this link
<!--Hits--> Number of clicks
<!--Votes--> Number of users votes
<!--Rating--> Users average rating number
<!--Stars--> Users average rating stars image
<!--URL1--> Extra URL
<!--URL2--> Extra URL
<!--Preferences--> Link Preferences
<!--Name--> Name of the person on this link
<!--Street--> Street of the person on this link
<!--City--> City of the person on this link
<!--Zip--> Zip of the person on this link
<!--Country--> Country of the person on this link
<!--Phone--> Phone of the person on this link
<!--Fax--> Fax of the person on this link
<!--Email--> Email of the person on this link
<!--Extra1--> Extra field
<!--Extra2--> Extra field
<!--Extra3--> Extra field
<!--Extra4--> Extra field
<!--Extra5--> Extra field
<!--Extra6--> Extra field
<!--Extra7--> Extra field
<!--Extra8--> Extra field
<!--Extra9--> Extra field
<!--Extra10--> Extra field

Table (1) Listings Templates Classes.


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