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Mail Manager


 Manage Letters
 Manage Lists
 Add New Subscribers
 Delete Subscribers
 Create New Lists
 Delete Lists
 Send Mass Email
 Update Lists Counts
 Prepare Webmasters List



The mail manager tools allow you to manage all bulk mailing and mail lists in easy and fast way. You can create unlimited number of mailing lists with unlimited subscribers or mail address in each list. It also allows you to manage the lists contents, sending bulk emails, preparing search engine webmasters mailing list and more.


Manage Letters

Manage letters lets you create letters to use at any time you need to send this letter to a specific group or list or lists of email address. Instead of typing the same letter every time you want to send it, the system will keep and you can edit it or delete it at any time.

To create a new letter simply enter the letter Subject and Message and click on Save letter. To edit or view a letter, select a letter from the drop down menu and click on the view/edit button. To delete a letter, select the letter subject you want to delete from the drop down menu and click on delete. Figure (1) shows the manage letters menu.


Manage Mailing Letters

What's This?   

Current Letters:    View/Edit    Delete

Edit Letter




Figure (1) Letters Manager.


Manage Lists

Manage Lists lets you browse the email address of lists and delete any email address or a group of email address at once. The number of email address displayed in the Manage Lists menu is set by the option "Admin Emails Per Page" in the General Options menu.

To select more than one email at a time for delete, drag your mouse on the emails while holding down the left button
or click on the email addresses you want to delete while the <CTRL> Key is pressed.

To manage a specific list, select the list name from the drop down menu and click the "Load" button. To update the lists counts you must click on the option "Update Lists Count" in the Mail Manager main menu. Figure (2) shows the manage lists menu.


Manage Lists

What's This?   

Select list:

To select more than one email, drag your mouse
or click with the <CTRL> Key pressed.

Showing 1 - 500 of 849


Figure(2) Lists Manager.


Add New Subscribers

This option allows you to add a new email address to a specific list or a group of lists at once. To add a new email address, first enter the email address you want in the box and make sure only one email address on each line. Second select the mailing lists to you want to add. To select more than one list, drag your mouse or click with the <CTRL> Key pressed and then click on the submit button as shown in figure (3).


Add New Subscribers

What's This?   

Select the mailing lists to add subscribers. To select more than one list, drag your mouse or click with the <CTRL> Key pressed.

Enter email addresses you want to add. Please enter one email address per line and press "Enter" at the end of each line.


Figure (3) Add New Subscribers.


Delete Subscribers

This option will allow you to delete a specific email address or a group of email address from a list or lists at once. To delete a group of email address from a specific list or lists, first enter the email addresses in the box and make sure that one email on each line, second select the list or lists from the drop down menu. To select more than one list, drag your mouse or click with the <CTRL> Key pressed as shown in figure (4). The program will search all the selected lists for the required email addresses and if found will be deleted.


Delete Subscribers

What's This?   

Select the mailing lists to delete subscribers. To select more than one list, drag your mouse or click with the <CTRL> Key pressed.

Enter email addresses you want to delete. Please enter one email address per line and press "Enter" at the end of each line.


Figure (4) Delete Subscribers.


Create New Lists

You can create unlimited number of mailing lists. To create a list or lists simply enter the list name and click on the Create Lists button. Please make sure to use a valid file names only for the list names, do not use any strange characters that can not be used for file names. The list names is basically saved in the SQL database but important only when exporting the database or unloading to text files for use with other mailing list programs or any other purposes. Figure (5) shows the create new lists menu.


Create New Mailing Lists

What's This?   

Please enter here the name of the new mailing lists you want to create.
Please use only letters and numbers in list names no strange characters.

List Name:

List Name:

List Name:

List Name:

List Name:


Figure (5) Create New Lists.


Delete Lists

This menu lets you delete mailing lists from your database. Please note once the list or lists deleted, it cannot be recovered. Lists deleted will be completely removed from the system with all its contents. To Select more than one list, drag your mouse or click with the <CTRL> Key pressed as shown in figure (6).


Delete Mailing Lists

What's This?   

Select the mailing lists to delete. To Select more than one list, drag your mouse or click with the <CTRL> Key pressed.


Figure (6) Delete Lists.


Send Mass Email

This option will let us do send bulk emails to your mailing lists members. You can either send emails to your current lists members or just send for other emails that you enter in the box and check the button Send to these emails only. To send the letter to more than one list, drag your mouse or click with the <CTRL> Key pressed as shown in figure (7).

Send to these emails only. If this button is checked then only the letter will be sent to the emails addresses that you enter in the box. Please make sure to enter one email address per line and press "Enter" at the end of each line.

Send letter as HTML. If this button is check then the letter will be sent in HTML format to. If it is not checked then the letter will be sent in plain text format.


Send Mass Email

What's This?   

Please select the letter you want to send.

Select the lists you want to send the selected letter. To Select more than one list, drag your mouse or click with the <CTRL> Key pressed.

Send to these emails only.

Please enter one email address per line and press "Enter" at the end of each line.

Send letter as HTML.


Figure (7). Send Bulk Mail.


Update Lists Counts

This option will update all the mailing lists counts according to the actual contents of each list.


Prepare Webmasters List

This option will create a mailing list with the name Webmasters if not already created and will add to this list all the emails addresses of the sites and links in the system database. This list is very useful in sending newsletters or announcements and promotional to the owners of the sites and links in the system database.


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