Greating From Mewsoft, We are glad to release our new product Editawy, as free source code in Visual Basic, the source code editor ActiveX Control with syntax hilighter for every programming language, more than 70 until now like PYTHON, CPP, HTML, xml, PERL, SQL, VB, Properties, ERRORLIST, MAKEFILE, BATCH, XCODE, LATEX, LUA, DIFF, CONF, PASCAL, AVE, ADA, LISP, RUBY, EIFFEL, EIFFELKW, TCL, NNCRONTAB, BULLANT, VBSCRIPT, ASP, PHP, BAAN, MATLAB, SCRIPTOL, ASM, CPPNOCASE, FORTRAN, F77, CSS, POV, LOUT, ESCRIPT, PS, NSIS, MMIXAL, CLW, CLWNOCASE, LOT, YAML, TEX, METAPOST, POWERBASIC, FORTH, ERLANG, OCTAVE, MSSQL, VERILOG, KIX, GUI4CLI, SPECMAN, AU3, APDL, BASH, ASN1, VHDL, CAML, BLITZBASIC, PUREBASIC, HASKELL, PHPSCRIPT, TADS3, REBOL, SMALLTALK, FLAGSHIP, CSOUND. This is an ActiveX Control Editawy.ocx that can be inserted to any Visual basic project or any language that supports ActiveX Controls like VC++, Delphi, etc. This ActiveX Control is a Wrapper for Scintilla the free source code editing component from, Thanks for the author Neil Hodgson and his community. Editawy supports syntax styling, margins for line numbers, folding, symbols, bookmarks, builtin Find Form, Replace Form, Go to Line Form, Easy to edit and modify ini styles configuration file, printing, previewing, Zooming, Brace matching, Call tips, Auto complete, and hunderds of functions more ready to build the best visual studio style source code editor and styler in one minute. Quick start: If you have any questins, suggestions, please post it to the Editawy forum. Thank you |