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Build Manager


 Building Static Directory Steps
 Building Directory Step One
 Building Directory Step Two



The Build Manager will build the entire static directory pages or selected pages. This will build the directory as static html pages. Static html pages are fast to load than dynamic generated pages specially for big database engine. The only case you would consider building and using static directory is if you you are NOT using the bidding system.

The bidding system sorts results according to the highest bids which is dynamically changing therefore can not be used with static html pages. You can build the directory pages that are not changing dynamically like the contact us page, help pages, copyright, and all the pages in the navigations which does not depend on the bidding system.

The static directory is not fully static since all searches are done dynamically, so even all the directory pages are static html, when the user enter a search term in the search box the search process is done dynamically.

Please note the directory building process may take a very long time if you have a lot of data in your database and the time vary much depending on the server hardware including the CPU speed and RAM and server software configuration specially the SQL server RAM buffer and tuning and operating systems.


Building Static Directory Steps
Building the static directory is two steps. The first step is to set the directories where the different pages will be created and many optional file names. This needs to be done only once and the program will save the settings until you change it latter. The second step is to specify what pages needs to be build. You do not have to build the entire directory every time something changes. Below is the details of these steps.


Building Directory Step One

The first step to build the static directory is setting the directory options. These includes the directories where the static pages will be generated and saved, different optional file names for your convenience and more.

These settings needs to be done only once and the program will save the settings until you change it latter.


Engine Base Directory

This is the base directory from the server root where the static directory will be generated.

For example if your server html directory or docs directory is /home/mewsoft/www and you want the base directory to be mysite the this full directory should be /home/mewsoft/www/mysite.

URL To The Engine Base Directory

This is the full URL to the Engine Base Directory above. For example if you used the directory mysite above your docs base directory then the full URL to this directory should be http://www.yourdomain.com/mysite.

Additional Home Page Directory

The program by default will create a home page or index page in the engine base directory. If you want the program to create a copy of the directory home page in other directory then you just enter this directory here. For example if you want to create a copy of the engine home page in your site home directory then you just enter the full directory to your site root directory for example,  /home/mewsoft/www.

Content Management Pages Directory

Enter here the directory where the program will create all your custom content management pages. The program allows you to create unlimited number of your custom pages which includes classes the same way you deal with templates and language files.

New Pages Directory

This is the relative directory name where the new submissions listings pages will be generated. This directory is relative to the Engine Base Directory and not from the server root (absolute directory) the default name is New.

Popular Pages Directory

This is the relative directory name for the popular pages, pages that has high user ratings and clicks. This directory is relative to the Engine Base Directory and not from the server root (absolute directory) the default name is Popular.

Top Rated Pages Directory

This is the relative directory name for the top pages, pages that has highest user ratings and clicks. This directory is relative to the Engine Base Directory and not from the server root (absolute directory) the default name is Top.

Help Pages Directory

This is the relative directory name for the help pages. This directory is relative to the Engine Base Directory and not from the server root (absolute directory) the default name is Help.

Browse Categories Pages Directory

This is the relative directory name for the categories pages in browse categories mode, when the user just browse the categories. This directory is relative to the Engine Base Directory and not from the server root (absolute directory) the default name is Categories.

Default Index Page Name

This is the name of the index page only in all directories without the extension. The default name is index.

Extension of All Pages

This is the extension of all the files generated. The default is shtml which allows running SSI (server side includes).

More Pages Prefix

This is the name of the files after the index pages without extensions. The default name is more. The program will append automatically numerical values after this name for the extra pages. For example, if a category consists of four pages, then the first pages will be named by the above default index page name (index) plus the extension (.shtml), that is will be index.shtml. The second file will be named by the more pages perfix (more) appended with the page number (1) then the extension(.shtml), that is more1.shtml. The third page will be more2.shtml and the fourth page will be more3.shtml. This same technique for all extra pages in the directory.

Privacy Policy Page Name

This is the name of the privacy policy page. The default is PrivacyPolicy.

Copyright Page Name

This is the name of the copyright page. The default is Copyright.

Terms of Use Page Name

This is the name of the terms of use  page. The default is TermsofUse.

About Us Page Name

This is the name of the about us  page. The default is AboutUs.

Language Page Name

This is the name of the language page. The default is Language.

Contact Us Page Name

This is the name of the contact us page. The default is ContactUs.

Announcements Page Name

This is the name of the announcements page. The default is Announcements.

Search Tips Page Name

This is the name of the search tips page. The default is SearchHelp.

Advertising Page Name

This is the name of the advertise page. The default is Advertising.

More Help Pages Prefix

This is the prefix of the help pages. The same as in the more above but this applies only for the help pages. The default is Help.

Browse Categories Page Prefix

This is the prefix of the extra categories pages. The same as in more above but this applies only for categories pages. The default is Category_ and then appended by the pages number and extensions.

Categories Tree Page Name

This is the name of the categories tree page. The default is Category_Tree.

English Version Directory Base Folder

For each language generated and available in the software current configuration of your server, the program will generate a full directory copy for each language. Each language will be under base directory (normally the language name or the first few letters of it) above the Engine Base Directory.

For each language available, you will find an entry here to enter the name of the subdirectory above the Engine Base Directory where a copy of the  copy of the directory in that language will be generated. For example if you have the English language and you entered "EN" for this directory the you will be able to access this copy of the directory by using the full URL http://www.yourdomain.com/Engine Base Directory/EN/.

This applies for all languages available. Users also will be able to switch languages even in the static directory.

Figure (1) Build Directory Options Meanings.


Build Directory Options

  What's This?   

Please use only valid files names and directories characters. These rules will be used when building the static engine pages.

Engine Base Directory:

URL To The Engine Base Directory:

Additional Home Page Directory:

Content Management Pages Directory:

New Pages Directory:

Popular Pages Directory:

Top Rated Pages Directory:

Help Pages Directory:

Browse Categories Pages Directory:

Default Index Page Name:

Extension of All Pages:

More Pages Prefix:

Privacy Policy Page Name:

Copyright Page Name:

Terms of Use Page Name:

About Us Page Name:

Language Page Name:

Contact Us Page Name:

Announcements Page Name:

Search Tips Page Name:

Advertising Page Name:

More Help Pages Prefix:

Browse Categories Page Prefix:

Categories Tree Page Name:

Arabic Version Directory Base Folder:

English Version Directory Base Folder:

German Version Directory Base Folder:


Figure (2) Build Directory Settings.


Building Directory Step Two

The second step to build the directory, is to choose what you want to build. The program is very flexible in building the directory so you do not need to rebuild the entire directory every time you change a small thing or add a new contents to some categories or specific pages. For the first time you build the directory, you will need to check all the pages which will build the entire directory and navigation. After the first time you can choose only those pages that you have done changes to.


  Build Home Page

This will build the directory home page

  Build New Pages

This will build all the newly submitted contents to the database.

  Build Popular Pages

This will build all the popular pages.

  Build Top Rated Pages

This will build all the top rated pages.

  Build Engine Categories Pages

This may be the most important pages to build since it is the actual directory pages.

  Build Browse Categories Pages

This will build the categories browse mode pages.

  Build Categories Tree Page

This will build the categories tree page.

  Build Content Management Pages

This will build all the content management pages.

  Build About Us Page

This will build the about us page in the navigation.

  Build Language Page

This will build the language selection page.

  Build Contact Us Page

This will build the contact us page in the navigation.

  Build Announcements Page

This will build the announcements page in the navigation.

  Build Copyright Page

This will build the copyright page in the navigation.

  Build Privacy Policy Page

This will build the privacy policy page in the navigation.

  Build Terms of Use Page

This will build the terms of use page in the navigation.

  Build Advertising Page

This will be the advertise page.

  Build Search Tips Page

This will build the search tips page in the navigation.

  Build Help Pages

This will build the help pages in the navigation.

 Figure (3) Build Directory Fields.


Build Manager

  What's This?   

Setup Build Directory Options

Build Static Directory HTML Pages

Please check what you want to build exactly, you can check all. Please note this process may take a very long time if you have a lot of data in your database.

  Build Home Page

  Build New Pages

  Build Popular Pages

  Build Top Rated Pages

  Build Engine Categories Pages

  Build Browse Categories Pages

  Build Categories Tree Page

  Build Content Management Pages

  Build About Us Page

  Build Language Page

  Build Contact Us Page

  Build Announcements Page

  Build Copyright Page

  Build Privacy Policy Page

  Build Terms of Use Page

  Build Advertising Page

  Build Search Tips Page

  Build Help Pages


Figure (4) Build Directory.




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